We have thousands of GPUs in our Swarm.
You won’t encounter memory or dependency errors. The platform handles the compute and optimization seamlessly so you can focus on model development.
Goodbye cloud instances! The platform schedules and manages all aspects of the compute infrastructure and GPU hardware.
Your data stays where it is: only tensors are sent for training. We pre-check your model for vulnerabilities and encrypt all communication. More about Security
The platform works with any size model, using any data type
You only pay for the training you actually use. The data science team can focus 100% of their time on data science.
Just two lines of code deploys your AI model to train directly from your IDE
The platform automatically determines the optimal training strategy and starts training across Swarms of thousands of GPUs.
Train Quicker
Train Smarter
Look like a Hero
Cut Costs
Forget about managing dockers, provisioning, or MLOps
This 2 minute video shows how fast and easy it is to train Llama 3.1-8B using SwarmOne
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