Platform Overview
The SwarmOne platform is an abstraction layer that evaluates your model, determines the optimal training strategy, allocates GPU power, and starts training directly from your IDE.
Our technology guarantees your AI workload will run!
SwarmOne handles the compute and optimization seamlessly, allowing you to focus purely on model development, with a guarantee of uninterrupted execution
SwarmOne handles the compute and optimization seamlessly, allowing you to focus purely on model development, with a guarantee of uninterrupted execution
We Guarantee
“SwarmOne provides Instant compute-heavy training, with unparalleled speed, accuracy, transparency, and affordably.”
Forget about managing dockers, provisioning, or MLOps complexities,
Simply instantiate the SwarmOne client, develop your models in your native environment, leave all your data in place, and start training.
Simply instantiate the SwarmOne client, develop your models in your native environment, leave all your data in place, and start training.
Fast Onboarding
We work with everybody
Your Data science teams will love their jobs
The platform has run 890,000 hours of AI training jobs of all different types including LLM, computer vision, time series, tabular, audio, and video
Train models small custom models or larger models up to 405B parameters
We support more than 1M models including all of the models on Hugging Face
The SwarmOne platform offers
superior security and privacy
benefits because of the way your models
and data are both stored and processed.
Learn more about why SwarmOne
is more secure than any cloud
“SwarmOne’s approach to AI training efficiently matches supply and demand for GPUs, yielding both lower costs
and higher utilization, with a dramatically simpler
end-user experience.”